Org Layers
Org layers support a hierarchical sorting of people managers. Note that when the Direct Reports Only checkbox is selected, results are filtered to direct reports of the selected manager. Layers are defined below within the context of each type of dashboard (Manager and Super User).
Manager Dashboard
Note: Layer values are relative to the logged-in manager's downline reporting chain.
Layer 0 = Entire reporting line rollup for the manager
Layer 1 = People managers reporting directly to the manager
Layer 2 = People managers 2 layers down (i.e., skip-level managers) from the manager
Layer 3+ = People managers X layers down from the manager
Super User Dashboard
Note: Layer values are relative to the senior-most leader's downline reporting chain.
Layer 0 = Senior-most leader (e.g., CEO)
Layer 1 = People managers reporting directly to the senior-most leader
Layer 2 = People managers 2 layers down (i.e., skip-level managers) from the senior-most leader
Layer 3+ = People managers X layers down from the senior-most leader